Friday Refrain: A bit of what's new in music
Friday, April 18, 2014 at 1:17PM
Becca Ruiz in Friday Refrain, Music, Music, Music Review

So that's what happens when I go shopping after not leaving the house for 48+ hours...

My body had poor timing this week and decided to incapacitate me for two days. While I did get to catch up on a lot of television, the only music I wanted to listen to was Chumbawumba. I don't know why, but that's how it went. Anyway, tomorrow's Record Store Day and if you haven't had a chance to look at the special releases, now's the time to do so.

I did manage to get a bit of listening and compiling done before I became one with my couch. So here's a partial List.

If you're still itching for something to check out, there's the first Afghan Whigs album in forever out this week, Do To A Beast, and the new Jessica Lea Mayfield is definitely worth a listen. Ray Price's posthumous album was released this week, Beauty Is, and if you want a tear-jeaker story, read up on how it came to be.

Happy listening!

Friday Refrain is a weekly post regarding what new releases have caught my ear for the week. I try to compile a pretty comprehensive list of releases of the week and see what is available for me to listen to on the web. This is just my non-scientific, highly-subjective, randomly-listened-to list of stuff from the week. Oh, and I don’t always listen to lyrics or look at album art/music videos, so appropriateness is left up to the listener

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