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Next year's Thanksgiving

I'm pretty awesome at procrastinating. Sometimes it's more than procrastinating, it's just having too much I want to do. Sometimes the best ideas don't happen until it's too late. Maybe I didn't get this all done in time for Prethanksgiving this year, but next year at least it's all ready to go.


The back wall of the dining room is just a package of fabric leaves from the dollar store.

I measured the wall, figured out how many strands I might want, and then divied up the leaves. I gathered the pile, speared them in one strike with my needle and then wrapped it around my paper towel roll for transport.

Then I taped the top of the string to the upper corner of the wall, spaced out the leaves, and voila! A fun background. Quick tip measuring: Since I was measuring feet and didn't need to be accurate, I just wrapped the string around the ruler the amount of times I needed for length.

I hope you have a lovely Thanksgiving!

...and thanks for reading.

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