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A few new cds from the week

Time for my unscientific and unthorough picks of the new cd releases for the week!

The Lowdown: I look at's pop/rock just released list for the week. I make a list, find what's on Spotify and take some notes. I don't get to listen to everything because that would be crazy.

What I liked:

Angelica, Thrive: It's so epic. Every song. You think, "Hey they have to take it down a notch now, right?" And then there it is, another 80s epic song.

Fast Romantics, Afterlife Blues: The title song is probably my favorite by far. It defiinitely runs the gamut of alternative inspirations from Spoon to Kings of Leon.

Glen Hansard, Drive All Night: I can't be objective on this one. I don't think it's over the top drop down awesome - but do I want to put it on and cuddle up on the couch? yep. Plus I just love his voice.

Magic Trick, River of Souls: Kind of Edward Sharpe and the Magentic Zeroes meets The National at times.

Helen Boulding, "Crooked Tooth" : Love this song. And it even has the word tooth in it.


Need to give a listen/Need a second listen:

Daiquiri Fantomas, MHz Invasion - feel like this is going into my work grooves.

Giobia, Introducing Night Sounds: On first listen I couldn't decide. MGMT + Explosions in the Sky with a little darkness?

Jessica Hernandez and the Deltas, Demons

Kill the Captains, Sounds Mean

Marley Carroll, Sings

Tess Parks, Blood Hot

Have a happy weekend everyone and stay warm!

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