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The Friday Refrain: A bit of what's new in music...

And we are back! Hello and welcome to another Friday Refrain. I've got fabric on the brain and.... my keyboard is kinda gross. Hang on. All right much better. Cleaned that thing off. So it's hot. Which is nice because it will be cold soon. Also, shh... Don't tell anyone but the leaves started turning last Monday. And I walked through fallen leaves on the sidewalk the other day. I love autumn. I loved pumpkin before everything went crazy because well, grew up at many Midwestern church potlucks and a lot of those recipes now considered overdone on the blogs are straight out of a church cookbook. Anyway, I digress.

So I'm going to catch us all up. Last week was pretty good: taking a break from Steve Martin, Steep Canyon Riders have out RADIO; alt rockers Yo La Tengo came out with Stuff Like That There; Beach House released Depression Cherry; Atlas Genius finally is out with Inanimate Objects; and Motorhead is back with Bad Magic. Now this week we've got Iron Maiden and The Book Of Souls. And Prince is releasing HITnRUN on Monday.Really, is that this week? Huh. Well I'll dig into that some more later and let you know next Friday what I've come up with. Though there will also be the podcast then too... So that's exciting. I think next week is a big week. People just kinda don't want to bother with Labor Day weekend I think. It's the weekend to listen to all your favorite summer songs and wrap it up. Oh my goodness I am not ready to say goodbye to summer. It was fast this year. So fast. And busy. Anyway....

Drifiting on the summer wind, a list unfurls

Speaking of Labor Day, let's look at somethings that came last week that begin with the letter "L"

Lance Canales, THe Blessing and the Curse - this is some good blues, try it out.

Laura Stevenson, Torch Song - A rocking single from her upcoming album

LE1F, "Koi" & Lil Tai Z, "VRC" - Explicit lyrics but perhaps two good tracks to start off your weekend. If you take heed of the lyric warning I just gave you and don't care.

Lean Low, High At The Fairground - the title is apropos for this last weekend in Minnesota, but it's just electronica and kinda atmospheric

Lola Brave, "The Brave" - another single by a male singer-songwriter

Luca Hanni, "Wonderful" - Pop single about a beautiful girl

Lucy Was A Decoy, Adolescence - A bit of rock

LUWUM, Places Worn - This is odd and intriguing playground of rock stuff. He has a faint voice but something about the instrumentation is neat.

And with that I disappear into the haze of ending summer days just as mysteriously and unexpectedly as I appeared. Use sunscreen, stay hydrated and Happy Listening!


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