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The Friday Refrain: Your Weekly New Music Digest

Welcome all to the Friday refrain - where I delve into today's new music, share my list of last week's releases and then share some odd groupings of music. All while I drink my coffee and take respite from the day. Hoo boy, I am tired this week. How about you? Been a little insomniac, not much - just restless and only one wakeful night. The brain has been overworking and I have a lot of inspiration, just need the diligence to make it all happen. I think I have some fun up my sleeve though. Anyway, what about that music then?

We have singles from Coldplay, Lorde, Wavves (yes!) and Sylvan Esso (double yes!). Then popular singer-songwriter Ed Sheeran brings us Divide. Staying to that side of the pond, Psych-rockers Temples bring us Volcano. As for more of the indie/alt rock scene: Minus the Bear released Voids; Sleaford Mods return with English Tapas; and The Besnard Lakes bring The Besnard Lakes Are THe Divine Wind. Singer-Songwriter Sondre Lerche released Pleasure. Lastly, the amazing and talented Bela Fleck released Juno Concerto today, a banjo concerto which is going to thrill the little one when he wakes up. ("Dueling Banjos" is played multiple times a day, as well as "Oh Susanna")

Holy fish fillets it's The List - what I culled from the world of last week's releases!

And finally, a list. From my cat, Clyde. A little background: He isn't our pet, he really isn't cat, he is our roommate. He inhabits the basement where I rent the Seedy Basement Bar from him. He will let us know when it's time to go, and he will let us know when it is time to eat (now, always). He's not very polite and he's pretty independent. He is a great photographer and a retired parkour pro (3 feet off the floor was his best wall run). We briefly had a twitter account for him. And someday we will rent a space at a street fair to sell and display his photography. Anyway, here's what he picked this week. I'm sorry for anything offensive. Clyde, you got this from here?

Have I got this from here? What the meow is that about? Of course. Don't impune my abilities. I am Clyde. I better get mad treats from this. First off, we have Thundercat, Steel Panther, and Speak/Dream Panther because obviously, we're all cat superiors. However this all started when i heard the song, "Likwyd Kitty" by DRYNX wafting down the hallway while I was napping. The sunbeam had disappeared so I decided, why not get up? Besides I need a little nip. So's I walk down the hallway and meow my way into this thing. Sometimes the name of a band just speaks to you like The Pigeon Detectives (no detective work here, I ate the pigeons), No Thank You (exactly), Sevendeaths (I've used a lot of my cat lives, there was the almost fatal Bookopotmaus sign squishing, the New Year's Day Dog Debacle, that time I ate tiger lilies, probably lucky I haven't died from something else I ate like bikini strings or whole dwarf mice), and Kingdom (yes. I have one. The whole world). Then there are those albums that speak to you: Millionaire Nightmares by Tracy T, every night man, always worried about my millions. Every night. I Will Kill Again by Meursalt, again every night man, every night I will kill those mice. Or chipmunks, whatever wanders in really. The rest of the playlist is really just songs that spoke to me or maybe their titles really get me.

I made the list kinda like a day in the life. A little bit of my attitude to start, and then starting my night. Subordinate Claudes is what I call anyone named Clyde that's not me. I like "Run Wild Horses" because it's like, yeah, be free horses. Run. Run like horses. Then a couple songs I just liked. Then I thought about dinner. So the crab juice song, dessert, whiskey, wine, Pretty soon you gotta walk away before they kick you out and then it's time for the night. When I get hungry at 3 AM, wake up that dude who lives upstairs, and then the waiting.. Hours and hours until it's finally morning and he feeds me. Sleeping. The inevitability of life, except no, my friend signals me right before the grim reaper shows up and I just amble into the sunset.

But really, nothing will ever dethrone Run The Jewel's Meow the Jewels.

You're welcome. Now where's my treats?

Happy Listening everyone!

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