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Happy Thanksgiving! (plus a free printable)

What a weekend! Hosted our annual preThanksgiving Feast for friends, and yesterday we bought me a brand new laptop - Yay! It even has a funcitioning disk drive, monitor and battery. Pretty amazing...

For a little music fun this week, I made up this turkey worksheet.

Great for key identification, chord builiding or scale building. Can't wait to use it in my first lesson!


Thanksgiving Shopping! (for St. Paul area)

Thanksgiving is on its way and I am very excited! I love this holiday all about appreciating and being grateful for what we have. And since it's almost Thanksgiving, it means that I'm getting set to host a bunch of my friends for my annual PreThanksgiving Thanksgiving Feast. Check out my previous posts tagged Thanksgiving for tips on making the grand feast. Today I thought I'd share my price comparison for ingredients.

Confession: I wasn't really thinking about sharing this when I was making it, so sometimes I didn't write the price from a store for an item I know is cheaper at another store. I checked it at the store, but didn't write it down. Also, I limit myself to 3 stores (Cub Foods, Rainbow Foods and Target) to limit how much time I spend shopping.

Apology: So this is the list of stuff I needed, and since I wasn't thinking about blogging this, well, I just didn't search for anything I don't buy (cream of mushroom soup, broth) or already had in my pantry. Sorry.

I shop at the Midway stores for each of these. Prices may vary at different stores. I tried to remember if you need a coupon for most of these. Sorry if I forget one.

The Turkey: I believe I prefer Butterball. I'm testing that out this year. I'll get back to you on that, but basically Jennie-O is cheapest. Rainbow has it for $.55/# with coupon and $25 purchase (before the turkey is added). My list is comparing Butterballs though. Which is also cheapest at Rainbow.

Here is my price comparison and shopping list.

Again, I just thought I'd share what I found while out and about shopping yesterday. 100% my opinion and not set in stone. Keep in mind, these are the prices for this week and will probably change next week too!




I left this plant outside through a frost and even a little snow. Still it kept the purple blooms. I brought it inside and replanted it. We'll see if it lasts, but I'll give it a chance. It earned it.

Once, a branch broke off my tomato plant. It was the only branch with any blooms on it, so I stuck it in a jar of water. 2 years later, it finally met its demise, but it had grown and bloomed that whole time in a jar. I love my stubborn plants.


Take that, Math!

I don't understand circles. To me it is impossible to be able to analyze and measure this shape. I have no idea how I managed to pass it in school. I just knew what numbers I needed to get and kind of figured out how that should happen - but I never understood why I reached those solutions and numbers. How do you quantify a radius? How can you comprehend this magical mystical shape made of infinite sides?

And spheres? Well, I just accept them. Spheres are planets and oranges. They need no more explanation than that.

But today -

Today I made a circle out of cardboard, duct tape and washers. And I feel pretty awesome about it.

(I still don't really get how though)


Out-the-door Eggs

Here's  a great way to start your mornings and the weekend!

Bake at 350 degrees Farenheit for 25-30 minutes and...

...breakfast for a week!

Some of my favorite combinations:

Black Bean, Cilantro, Bell Pepper (cheese and tomatoes are good additions as well!)

Feta, Chicken, Basil or Parsley, Cannelinni Beans

Ham, Cheese, Pepper, Onion

Sauteed Mushrooms and Onions, Parmesan

Out-the-door Eggs

Preheat oven to 350. Grease muffin pans.

Chop your add-ins. 

Add one egg per cup.

Add your additions. A small amount will go a long way!

You can either scramble or leave whole.

Bake 25-30 minutes.

Store in the fridge and pop in the microwave for 20-30 seconds before eating. (I split mine in half so it doesn't explode) Enjoy!